In the fast-paced world of WhatsApp, navigating through the myriad of symbols and icons can sometimes feel like deciphering a secret code. Fear not! We’re here to demystify the enigmatic symbols scattered across WhatsApp’s home screen, chat threads, status, calls, and delivery notifications.

1. WhatsApp Home Screen Symbols

Floating Chat Bubble Icon (Android)

Android Chat Bubble Icon

This icon initiates a new conversation thread on Android. Navigate seamlessly to select a contact, create a new contact, or form a group. Bonus: Discover the QR code feature for easy number sharing.

Pencil Icon (iPhone)

iPhone Pencil Icon

Situated in the Chats tab, this icon on iPhone mirrors the Android chat bubble. Launch new threads, add contacts, or create groups effortlessly.

Camera Icon

Camera Icon

Quickly capture and share photos or videos directly from WhatsApp. Elevate your status game with this nifty feature.

Green Checkmark Next to Name

Green Checkmark

Spot a green checkmark or tick next to a business name? It’s the verification badge, signifying a Meta-verified business profile.

@ Symbol

At Symbol

Encounter the @ symbol on the home screen? Someone has mentioned or tagged you in a chat. Stay in the loop!

Three-Person Icon (Android)

Three-Person Icon

Explore WhatsApp communities through the three-person icon. Create, join, and manage communities effortlessly.

Icon Meaning
Floating Chat Initiates new conversation threads on Android.
Pencil (iPhone) Mirrors the Android chat bubble on iPhone.
Camera Capture and share photos or videos directly.
Green Checkmark Indicates a Meta-verified business profile.
@ Symbol Someone mentioned or tagged you in a chat.
Three-Person Icon Navigate WhatsApp communities effortlessly.

2. Chat Thread Icons (Android)

When diving into chat threads, understand the icons at the top:


Pin Icon

Pin essential chats to stay atop the thread, even as new messages flood in.


Trash Can Icon

Delete unnecessary chat threads with the trash can icon.

Speaker with Bar

Speaker Icon

Mute selected chats effortlessly. Unmute with a simple tap.

Box with Down Arrow

Archive Icon

Archive chats to keep them hidden without permanent deletion.

Icon Meaning
Pin Keeps important chats at the top of the list.
Trash Deletes unwanted chat threads.
Speaker with Bar Mutes selected chats. Unmute with a tap.
Box with Down Arrow Archives chats, hiding them without deletion.

3. WhatsApp Status Symbols

On the Status screen, discover the Pencil and Camera icons:

Pencil Icon

Pencil Icon

Create text-based statuses with options for emojis, font styles, colors, and easy publishing.

Icon Meaning
Pencil Craft text-based statuses with emojis, fonts, and colors. Publish with ease.

4. WhatsApp Camera Icons

The Camera icon opens a realm of possibilities:


Crop Icon

Crop images to perfection and rotate with ease.


Emoji Icon

Add expressions to your photos with a variety of emojis.


Text Icon

Incorporate text seamlessly into your images.


Pencil Icon

Draw and doodle on your images for a personalized touch.


Gallery Icon

Select and upload multiple images to your status.

(1) Icon

(1) Icon

Enable View Once mode for media files, ensuring they vanish after viewing.

Icon Meaning
Crop Perfectly crop and rotate your images.
Emoji Express yourself with a range of emojis.
Text Seamlessly integrate text into your images.
Pencil Unleash your creativity with doodling.
Gallery Select and upload multiple images to your status.
(1) Icon Activate View Once mode for media files.

5. WhatsApp Call Tab Symbols

Explore the icons under the Calls tab:

Phone Icon With Plus Sign

Phone Icon

Initiate audio or video calls effortlessly. Learn to create and share WhatsApp call links for added convenience.

Video Camera

Video Camera Icon

Identify video calls in your call history with the video camera icon.


Phone Icon

Recognize regular audio calls with the classic phone icon.

Icon Meaning
Phone with Plus Effortlessly initiate audio or video calls.
Video Camera Indicates video calls in the call history.
Phone Represents regular audio calls.

6. WhatsApp Video Call Screen Icons

During video calls, acquaint yourself with these icons:


Camera Icon

Switch between front and rear cameras effortlessly.


Videocamera Icon

Toggle the video on or off with this handy icon.


Microphone Icon

Control your microphone status during calls.

Red Phone

Red Phone Icon

End calls promptly with the red phone icon.

Person With a Plus Sign

Person with Plus Sign Icon

Add more participants to ongoing calls, transforming them into group calls.

Icon Meaning
Camera Switch between front and rear cameras.
Videocamera Toggle video on or off.
Microphone Control microphone status.
Red Phone End calls promptly.
Person with Plus Add more participants to ongoing calls.

7. WhatsApp Audio Call Icons

Audio calls share similar icons with video calls:


Speakerphone Icon

Toggle between speakerphone and regular mode during audio calls.

Video Icon (During Audio Call)

Video Icon

Activate video during audio calls with this icon.

Icon Meaning
Speakerphone Toggle between speakerphone and regular mode.
Video Icon (Audio) Activate video during audio calls.

8. WhatsApp Chat Symbols

Explore various symbols and icons within chats:

Clock Symbol Next to Profile Picture

Clock Symbol

Indicates disappearing messages for that chat.

Audio and Video Call Icons

Call Icons

Identify the camera and phone icons for initiating calls.


Catalog Icon

Represents a business catalog. Explore the offerings by tapping on it.

Paper Clip Icon (Android)

Paper Clip Icon

Attach and send documents, images, audio, location, or contacts seamlessly.

Payment Icon

Payment Icon

Send money through WhatsApp in supported countries.


Camera Icon

Capture and send new photos or videos directly.


Microphone Icon

Send voice notes effortlessly.

Right Arrow

Right Arrow Icon

Forward media files to more contacts with a simple tap.

Star Icon

Star Icon

Bookmark or favorite important messages for quick access.

Double Arrow

Double Arrow Icon

Beware of forwarded messages marked with a double arrow.

Icon Meaning
Clock Symbol Disappearing messages are enabled for that chat.
Audio/Video Call Initiate calls with the camera and phone icons.
Catalog Explore business offerings through the catalog icon.
Paper Clip (Android) Attach and send documents, images, audio, location, or contacts.
Payment Icon Send money through WhatsApp in supported countries.
Camera Capture and send new photos or videos directly.
Microphone Send voice notes effortlessly.
Right Arrow Forward media files to more contacts with a simple tap.
Star Icon Bookmark or favorite important messages for quick access.
Double Arrow Beware of forwarded messages marked with a double arrow.

9. WhatsApp Voice Note Icons

Sending voice notes? Pay attention to these icons:

Grey Circle

Grey Circle Icon

The initial grey circle turns blue when the recipient listens to the voice note.

Green Dot

Green Dot Icon

A green dot indicates that the voice note hasn’t been played yet on the recipient’s end.

1x Symbol

1x Symbol

Adjust the speed of WhatsApp voice messages with the 1x symbol.

Icon Meaning
Grey Circle Turns blue when the recipient listens to the voice note.
Green Dot Indicates that the voice note hasn’t been played yet.
1x Symbol Adjust the speed of WhatsApp voice messages.

10. Delivery Symbols

Finally, understand the checkmarks on WhatsApp:

Single Grey Tick

Single Grey Tick Icon

Message sent but not yet delivered to the recipient.

Two Grey Ticks

Two Grey Ticks Icon

Message delivered but not yet seen by the recipient.

Two Blue Ticks

Two Blue Ticks Icon

Message seen by the recipient. Approach with caution!

Clock Symbol

Clock Symbol Icon

Message hasn’t left your device; check for network issues.

Icon Meaning
Single Grey Tick Message sent but not yet delivered.
Two Grey Ticks Message delivered but not yet seen.
Two Blue Ticks Message seen by the recipient. Approach with caution!
Clock Symbol Message hasn’t left your device; check for network issues.


Navigating WhatsApp’s symbolic landscape can now be an enlightening experience. Arm yourself with the knowledge of these icons, and enhance your messaging prowess. May your WhatsApp journey be filled with clarity and communication bliss!