Stay connected

How to record calls on an iPhone 

A lot of people think it’s difficult to record calls on an iPhone. It’s easy. Here are some ways on how you can track and log phone calls, and easily store conversations. It’s easy to record calls on iPhone The iPhone comes with a built-in...
iPhone and iPad Schematics

iPhone and iPad Schematics 

Schematics are crucial in iPhone and iPad logic board repair. Unfortunately, they are also illegal to have. They are considered the proprietary property of those companies they belong to. In cases like this, Apple. Nowadays, you would be hard pressed to find schematics for some...

Hide Your Phone Number 

Doesn’t matter if you want to prank your friends or call someone who keeps ignoring your call by looking at your number and contact details you can now easily hide your number and contact details from people when you call them. This can be easily...
Best Sports Streaming Sites

Best Sports Streaming Sites 2019 

Sports streaming sites is a trend nowadays. Modern people with a hectic schedule can watch their favorite players playing the game whenever they want online with the only smartphone in their hands.  Free Sports streaming sites are portals where you enjoy your favorite sports matches...

How to Jailbreak iOS 11 – iOS 11.1.2 

You can jailbreak iOS eleven – iOS 11.1.2 running on the iPhone of yours, iPad and iPod touch by using LiberiOS Jailbreak or maybe Electra Jailbreak tool. Both the jailbreaks are semi untethered jailbreak. A semi untethered jailbreak is akin to an untethered jailbreak, the...

How to Flash your phone 

A lot easier  tutorial how to flash your phone.  This tutorial work for all android phones, if you have questions please ask in comment’s section below the article. REMEMBER: PLEASE USE FIRMWARE INTENDED FOR YOUR PHONE,  USING FIRMWARE NOT INDICATED FOR YOUR PHONE COULD CAUSE...

Google USB Driver for Windows, Mac and Linux 

Google USB Driver is a downloadable component in Android Studio and is available from Android SDK Manager. The Google USB Drivers are available for Windows OS and are not required for Mac; for Linux systems, there is a workaround to install them. Here you can...
iPhone Settings

The 10 iPhone Settings Everyone Should Adjust 

Whether you’ve just bought a new iPhone or you’ve been using Apple’s smartphone for years, we think these are the settings you should change right away. 10 iPhone settings to tweak that make your iPhone better When you turn on an iPhone for the first...