Development of complex web projects with the use of frameworks is at the moment economically feasible to conduct on one of the following languages: PHP, Ruby, Python, and Java, as well as based on .NET (this is a multi-lingual framework). Each of the languages has far more than one framework written on it.

In this article we will not consider the advantages of Ruby programming language and Ruby on Rails framework from the developers’ point of view, everything is quite obvious here – they are quite powerful and convenient and developers love them.

Benefits of Ruby on Rails for Business

From a business perspective, developing on RoR is highly effective for the following reasons:

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High development speed

Projects developed on Rails are faster than their counterparts in PHP, Python, or Java, as our experience and that of our colleagues confirm. This is due to both technical features of the framework architecture (for example, well-thought-out conventions simplify configuration) and development tools (console utilities and generators, ready-made libraries, extensions, and modules). Development time is the Customer’s money, t

he more time development takes – the more expensive it is.

Ruby On Rails write on sticky notes with graphic on the paper isolated on office desk.

Complex business logic is easier and more transparent to implement

Rails-based coding conventions make it possible to write truly understandable program code that is easier to maintain and modify later in adequate time. Compliance with coding conventions and standards inherent in the framework makes program code maintainable not only by the original developers but also by other specialists. Alienability – the absence of attachment to the original developer – is a very important component of the project developed by the Customer by an external company, not by his efforts.

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High reliability and maintainability of solutions

Rails development usually uses a TDD approach, and the toolkit supports extensive testing capabilities, which makes the created solutions more stable and maintainable. The framework’s functionality is also covered by automatic tests, which makes its use reliable – you can be sure that nothing will break. For business systems, this component is extremely important – the efficiency of the business as a whole often depends on the stability of the application.

Scalability, performance, and high loads

The framework is designed to develop applications with high availability requirements: Rails applications can be perfectly deployed and run in clusters of servers or in the cloud. For web services, this is a very important criterion, as they must have good uptime and speed to be effective and attractive to users.

Competent developers

The share of good Ruby programmers is much higher than in the PHP world. This is again based on collective experience – about 90% of applicants are rejected at PHP-developer interviews due to low level of knowledge, for Ruby-programmers this figure is much lower. The more competent the developers are, the faster (cheaper) the project is developed and the more elaborate, scalable, and reliable it is.

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The Ruby on Rails platform has proven itself very well in the segment of creating technically complex web projects that have serious requirements. Therefore, to implement complex websites and web applications, it is worth to hire remote Ruby developers from professional outsourcers.

Myths and prejudices about Ruby on Rails

There are some myths and prejudices about Ruby and Ruby on Rails programmers and projects on these systems.

There are no Ruby on Rails developers

There are developers, and there are more and more of them, but they are less numerous than developers, for example, in PHP. This is due to the different thresholds of entry into mastering the technology (people usually get into Ruby after several years of PHP, professionals), which speaks for the quality of developers. Good developers are equally scarce in all technologies. Here we can put it a bit differently – Ruby has a lot more real professionals, while PHP has a lot of amateurs. So in the percentage of professional programmers Ruby does not lose to any programming language.

Ruby on Rails developers are costly

High-level developers are really expensive. And they are equally expensive in any programming language and platforms. There are few cheap developers in RoR because there are no bad developers (not without exceptions, of course). Besides, it is not rare that you have to order the same project several times from different PHP developers (remember that there is a great chance to run into amateurs), spending a small amount of money for each attempt – so isn’t it better to pay once for quality development?

No or few sites (hosting) to host Ruby on Rails sites

On any VDS server is realistic to place hosting RoR, and on one VDS-server can be placed a lot of Rails-sites. And, as a rule, your site is practically independent of the restrictions that some hosters impose.