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FlexClip: A Simple and Quick Tool to Create Online Videos

FlexClip: A Simple and Quick Tool to Create Online Videos 

In this era of increasingly sophisticated technology, the existence of video becomes the most important and special. Lately people have been dabbling in the world of video because of its entertaining nature. Examples of videos currently trending are vlogs as vloggers currently do, as well...

Benefits of Technology in Cars 

There is just a lot of things that technology has made easier in our daily lives. It has improved the way things are done in so many sectors. These include education, business and even cars. There has been made many improvements brought in by car...

How Mobile Became the Mainstream 

The world before the invention of mobile devices was tough and challenging. People had to wait in lines for hours without achieving what they came for due to a lack of prior information. Real-time arguments ended without a winner because people were unable to back...